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4 Reasons Why You Should Never Buy Instagram Followers

I read it again and again: buy 1,000 subscribers for 10 euros, buy 100 “real” subscribers for 5 euros, buy likes, Instagram Followers

Honestly, don’t do that. Really not!

In this article I will explain to you why buying followers and likes is an absolute no-go and how you can damage your account in the long term.

Is it a myth that you can buy followers on Instagram?

Unfortunately, no! If you can’t believe it, just type it into Google or EBay. But does n’t be tempted to buy! I’ll explain to you in a moment why that would be a really, really bad idea.

Why Buy Instagram Followers?

  1. Good question! The disadvantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages, but obviously many of them hope for a shortcut to Instagram success. However, success on Instagram is not measured by the number of followers, but much more by your interaction rates, the commitment of your community and the trust your followers have in you and your business.

4 reasons why you shouldn’t buy Instagram followers and likes


If you buy 10,000 followers, you may have a lot of subscribers, but you have to be aware that they will never interact with your content. They are either not even real people or people who have completely different interests and do not want to deal with your account.

Particularly annoying: The worse your interaction rates, the worse you will be played out by the algorithm. In the long run, you will destroy your entire range!


When you buy followers, you usually get subscribers who speak a different language, live on the other side of the world and have completely different interests than those that you represent with your company. The bottom line is that you will never be able to increase your sales through them.

My tip: Think about who your target group is and then produce consistently good content for them.

You can find out how to do this in this article:

Instagram target group: define your ideal target group in 3 steps (>>click!)


There are many analysis tools that you can use to look at the follower development of other accounts. Follower purchases are particularly easy to recognize here: instead of a curve that slowly rises, several thousand followers are suddenly added in one day. Not exactly professional…


Get rid of the thought that followers are the most important thing. I can tell you one thing: If you want to sell your products on Instagram, for example, it is much more important that you have a good connection to your community than that it is huge. The same applies here: quality before quantity!

In this article I will tell you how to increase your Instagram followers organically, fairly and entrepreneurially smart:

Get more Instagram followers: The best methods (2021) 

In the long term, you only win with real added value

You notice: A loyal community with a high potential for interaction is worth much more than a large number of followers. In order to gain the trust of your community in you, you have to regularly offer them compelling content that contains real added value!


Is buying followers bad for my reach?

Definitely yes! Bought followers don’t generate meaningful interactions – so your percentage interaction rate goes down. The result: Your posts are played out less often.

Can you get banned for buying fake followers on Instagram?

Yes, you can get banned for buying fake followers on Instagram. You must know that such platforms as Instagram have strict policies on this matter. You must verify your account by uploading a copy of your ID card or passport; otherwise your account will be deleted. If you are unable to upload a copy of your ID, you will be barred from using the Service. It must be said that no customer has ever been blocked by Social Media Daily, as our service is very high quality and the followers are not sent all at once.

How long does it take for my order to be processed?

Usually your order will be processed within 24 hours. If you need to be particularly quick, you can book the express option. Then your order will be processed within a few hours and the delivery time will be reduced enormously, so that the delivery will be much faster.

Why is social media marketing important?

Social media marketing is an important part of digital marketing and it helps to spread the word about your brand and attract more customer contacts. With more than 2.5 billion users worldwide, social media has become a platform where people share information and even buy products and services online. It’s a great way to reach a large audience and engage with them through content.

What is a follower on Instagram?

Instagram followers are people who follow you on the Instagram social networking platform. They can also be referred to as followers, fans, subscribers or friends.

Is buying Instagram followers cheap?

Ordering Instagram followers is cheap, but the quality of those followers depends on several factors. The number of followers you get largely depends on your page’s popularity and engagement rate, as well as the amount of money you pay for it. You can use our service to get a decent number of followers without spending a fortune.

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