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Johnny The Healer Review – Does It’s Really Work?

How does Johnny The Healer work? How many patients has he helped? What are their complaints? And what is their success rate? You can learn all of this by reading the following:


In order to cure addiction, The Method of Johnny The Healer uses plant-based medicines that have been used for thousands of years all over the world. Although they are illegal in the United States and Belgium, westerners have sought them out for their success rates and ability to treat the root of the problem. If you are considering trying this program, make sure you understand the process before you make your final decision. Read on to learn more about the method and why it works.

The method of Johnny The Healer began with a visit to a sanctuary that was built exclusively for him. Here, he spent his first ten days recovering. Throughout this time, he was surrounded by people who loved and supported him. The people who visited him flooded social media sites with testimonials, and he soon began to see a surge in business. As his reputation spread, he also began to help others, including those suffering from addiction and pstd.


If you’re looking for a healing center in the Northwest, Johnny The Healer’s Holistic Sanctuary is the place to go. He’s a self-described “healer” with an unwavering commitment to helping others. And He’s a graduate of Northwest Indian College with a degree in Native Environmental Science, and a certificate in Leadership that Works-Coaching for Community Transformation. He’s also currently working toward his Professional Coaching Certification.

A self-taught holistic nutritionist and energy healer, Johnny’s unique treatment method is called the Pouyan Method. It incorporates plant-based medicines with custom complementary medicine, daily motivational therapy, sauna, massage therapy, and energy healing. He also uses a variety of organic super foods and ancient sacred plants to rejuvenate the mind and body. It’s a holistic and natural approach to healing and he uses brain scans to see if his patients are improving.


Complaints about Johnny The HeaLER are legion. The founder of Holistic Sanctuary and the creator of the Pouyan Method claims that his method can cure depression, addiction, and even pain medication dependency. He has a deep commitment to helping people find a better life and believes in using plant medicine to help people overcome their problems. In fact, he says that less than five percent of those who sought treatment for addiction remained sober after finishing a traditional program.

The method used by Johnny The Healer is all-natural. Patients are given a non-GMO, organic diet and therapies that no other drug treatment center could provide. In addition to the Pouyan Method, Johnny developed it in honor of his mother and brother. The method has successfully cured more than 1000 patients in the past 10 years. Although the results aren’t instantaneous, clients can relax and heal under the hands of nurses.

Success rate

What is the success rate of Johnny The Healer? Johnny Pouyan is an energy healer and holistic nutritionist who has developed the Pouyan Method. This treatment plan combines super foods and ancient medicinal plants to restore the body’s natural healing ability. His proprietary techniques, which include the Pouyan Method, are used in the Holistic Sanctuary to treat addiction, PTSD, and other mental health issues.

In fact, most drug treatment programs fail 95 percent of the time. Most drug treatment centers attribute addiction to a genetic disorder, put patients on dangerous drugs, and blame everything on genetics. In contrast, Johnny’s proprietary method heals the brain to help people overcome their addictions and live pain-free life. This treatment works by removing limiting beliefs that keep a person from experiencing real results. The results are immediate.

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