An endocrinologist is a specialist known to diagnose and treat various sorts of diseases because of hormonal issues, such as diabetes and thyroid.
Endocrine glands are a system of glands that involve the following.
- Parathyroid
- Pancreases
- Ovaries
- Hypothalamus
- Pituitary glands
- Adrenal glands
- Thyroid glands
Patients suffering from complications in these areas are then subjected to consult with an endocrinologist as they will assess the situation better and propose the right set of treatments.
Today we will be shedding light on the prominent reasons which might compel a person to visit an endocrinologist.
Diabetes Mellitus
One of the most common complications that people suffer from when they have a malfunctioning endocrine system is diabetes Mellitus. According to recent estimates, 34.2 million Americans had diabetes by the end of 2018. Commonly diabetes can be subdivided into the following categories as
Type 2 Diabetes
In this condition, the patient suffers from low levels of insulin in the body, resulting in elevated blood glucose levels. Type 3 diabetes accounts for a maximum of 90 to 95% of all types of diabetes.
Type 1 Diabetes
In type 1 diabetes, patients suffer from the body’s inability to keep up with the ability of the body to produce insulin. The immune system starts to disrupt the insulin-producing cells, resulting in medical emergencies and complications like diabetes. Endocrinologists in Rawalpindi comment that this is an autoimmune disease which might also lead to serious depletion of insulin in the body.
The doctors might recommend the artificial intake of insulin in the body.
Gestational Diabetes
It is a medical condition that occurs during pregnancy. Ob/Gyn often recommend women get screened for gestational diabetes during 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy.
Thyroid Issues
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that is present at the front of the neck. This is a premium human gland that is responsible for the production of hormones T4 and T3.
The hormones are responsible for the effective functioning of every organ, such as the brain, heart, gastrointestinal system, and skeletal system.
The major issues of thyroid are as follows:
- Hypothyroidism
- Hyperthyroidism
Hypothyroidism is a condition in which a person suffers from low levels of thyroid hormones. Common causes of hypothyroidism are as follows.
- Hashimoto’s disease
Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which a person is affected by high levels of thyroid hormones.
Common causes of hyperthyroidism are as follows:
- Graves’ disease
- Toxic multinodular goiter
- Toxic adenoma
- And some other less known causes
Endocrinologists assess , diagnose and manage these thyroid problems and craft a proper plan according to the patient’s body needs. They also provide insights about thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer.
Obesity is often considered a mere condition and nothing else, but it is so much more. It is a complex condition that might increase the risk of developing many other medical conditions such as hypertension, chronic heart conditions, and thyroid issues.
Obesity is a serious medical condition not just because of aesthetics but other matters. Being overweight also calls for other sorts of chronic conditions which might end up with lifelong treatments. From nutrition to physical activity, your doctor might recommend appropriate treatment plans.
It is a condition in which a person suffers from low bone mass and deterioration of the bone structure. Low bone mass and poor density might lead to fragile bones, which are then subjected to hip, spine and wrist fractures. You should not confuse this condition with osteoarthritis, as in this, a person suffers severe joint pain and subsequent wear and tear.
Doctors often call osteoporosis a silent disease. It has no symptoms, and a person might not even know about it until it has made disastrous changes.
Visit an endocrinologist, and they will draft a plan for you accordingly.
PCOS is a women’s disease also known as polycystic ovary syndrome. Women suffer from this condition which makes pregnancy a distant dream. However, PCOS can be because by some underlying causes such as hormonal imbalances, abnormal selection of dominant follicles in ovaries and severe insulin deficiency in the body.
Some of the common symptoms of PCOS are:
- The infrequency and complete absence of periods
- High levels of male sex hormones can be diagnosed through blood tests
- Polycystic ovaries on ultrasound
Make sure to visit an endocrinologist if you are witnessing the above-mentioned symptoms.
Calcium is one of the basic and necessary minerals necessary for bone density and formation. But it is also necessary for other body functions as well. Hypercalcemia is when a person suffers from high calcium levels in the blood. It is necessary for the proper determination of calcium levels. High levels of calcium can lead to the development of calcium stones in different organs of the body.
You might need to visit an endocrinologist for this complication as well. They will devise a plan for your complications as well.