It’s no secret that health benefits come from drinking the recommended eight glasses of water daily. Studies show that staying hydrated can help you work better, feel better, remember things better, have more energy and think more clearly. But what if we told you there was something you could drink that would keep you hydrated faster and for longer than water and improve the health of your blood, bones and organs? Would you believe us? Well, you better believe it because it’s true with an alkaline water ionizer!
Chances are, you’ve heard the term “alkaline water” used by bottled water companies, and you may have even bought a bottle because you heard it was good for your health. But do you know what alkaline water is and what its benefits are? Don’t worry; people who know about water are here to help.
What Is Alkaline Water?
Alkaline water, in a nutshell, is water that has more hydrogen than regular drinking water. The amount of hydrogen ions in a solution is used to figure out the pH level. When there are a lot of hydrogen ions, the pH is low, making the substance acidic. The pH is high (basic substances) when there aren’t many hydrogen ions.
People often use alkaline and basic as if they were the same thing, but they are not. Alkaline compounds are things like salts, metals and minerals that make water more basic when they are added to it. Minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium are dissolved in water. Alkaline water usually has more dissolved solids than acidic water, which raises its pH level. Neutral drinking water has a pH level of 7, and alkaline water has a pH of 8 or 9.
What Are the Advantages of Alkaline Water?
The body and blood’s acidic properties are the root of sickness. They should be neutralized by drinking alkaline water, which is therapeutic, restorative and conducive to good health. As a result, having a more alkaline body benefits one’s wellbeing. However, there are some wonderful health benefits of drinking alkaline water that has been scientifically verified. They are:
Improve Bone Health
There has been some study on how alkaline affects bones. A study found that people who drank alkaline water high in bicarbonate had better bone resorption. In the process of bone resorption, old bone cells break down and are replaced by new ones. Better bone strength comes from less bone loss and more mineral density.
Ease Acid Reflux
It was found that drinking 8.8 pH alkaline water can help ease acid reflux. This is because the higher pH level kills pepsin, an enzyme that breaks down proteins in food and is the main cause of acid reflux. Acid reflux occurs when the acidic stomach contents splash back into the food pipe. If you have acid reflux for a long time, it can damage your body and cause gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD.
Reduce Cholesterol, Blood Sugar and High Blood Pressure
People with high blood pressure (hypertension), high blood sugar (diabetes) and high blood lipids (cholesterol) had lower levels of each of these factors three to six months after drinking alkaline water. Researchers found that after 100 adults worked out, drinking high-pH electrolyte water made their blood less thick and sticky. This could help reduce the stress on the heart and blood vessels from dehydration.
Improve Hydration
Alkaline water improves hydration after anaerobic exercise by reducing urine-specific gravity. Alkaline water intake improves urine pH during anaerobic testing and lactate use after HIIT. Lactate is an energy source in skeletal muscles; therefore, effective consumption increases energy. Regular water drinkers showed no changes over time. The habitual use of alkaline water may influence acid-base balance, hydration status and energy levels in active, healthy persons.
Increase Longevity
Over three years, a research team investigated the impacts of drinking alkaline water on 150 mice. Results revealed that those who drank alkaline water exhibited signs of higher longevity; in other words, they aged less and were more likely to live longer. Histological examination of mice’s kidneys, intestines, hearts, livers and brains was undertaken to verify the risk of disorders connected to consuming alkaline water. Organs of alkaline-watered animals were found to be reasonably comparable to controls, offering more light on the benefits of alkaline water consumption in humans. No substantial harm was seen. However, ageing changes appeared.
Therefore, get an alkaline ionizer water purifier today and start being healthy!